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The post production


I reckon, that once the cinematographer has done a good job, one of the most prominent and obvious features of cinematography and which makes it really differ from the traditional video recordings, are the thoroughness and elaboration of the post production. It is easy to discover the difference whilst sampling the thousands of wedding films and videos available on the internet.

We can clearly recognise which films have been carefully cut and had creativity put into them by their makers.

The post production of the Sanchofilm movies takes a lot longer than the shootings themselves. We attend to select the different scenes, sound effects and vocal dubs with particular thoughtfulness. The scenes are put together so that the film has climax that ends with a gradual fade out.

So that it has a beginning and an ending, not just on the counter of the player. It is the whole of these features that give the uplifting emotional experience provided by the films.

The cutting process is implemented using the latest editing software, as well as professional hardware devices, thus contributing to the high quality image display.